Thursday 19 February 2015

CTET November 2012 English Question Paper (Class I to V)

CTET November 2012 English Question Paper (Class I to V) Paper I CET Nov 2012 English Language Question Paper

Directions : Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow .(Q. No. 91 to 99) by selecting the most appropriate option.
The day the cat was killed, Maddy watched her mother wind that old clock with her same little smile, cranking the gold key into its funny little hole, as grandma wandered around the dining table in her dressing gown while her nurse read a pulp fiction on the front step, while her brothers scraped their forks against the table and dripped the last bits of potatoes and corn from their open, awful mouths, that clock sat heavy on the white carpet, at the end of the hail, mom humming along to that terrible ticking. It made Maddy’s teeth clench. Truly, there was no point to these silly, endless family dinners. Always being six o’clock sharp and never over until that clock was wound, thirteen years of her life wasted for this nonsense so far, burnt up in boredom, when all the while she had some very important matters to attend to back in her bedroom.
The longcase clock had been left by •the previous owner, or maybe the one before that, no one was sure. Cloaked in pine wood and always counting, no birds printed around the clock face, no farm scenes or flowers, just black numbers and wiry hands and that was that. Then near the bottom, a long silver pendulum behind a square of smokey glass. It was too heavy to tip, too tall to place anything on top, old and faded and always suspect. Her brothers avoided it at night and the cat avoided it entirely (or used to). The clock face glowing round and white, over the wooden suit, like a pale faced ghost or a porcelain reaper, feetless and shadows for arms. And mom would sing along with the pendulum while the boys knocked over the kitchen chairs wrestling and playing tag, and grandmother would nap by the television and the nurse would paint her nails. AN the time, her mom would smile and hum.
 91. The use of the word ‘cranking’ conveys the meaning that
(1) the key did not fit the lock properly
(2) the clock doesn’t work
(3) the key was used with irritation on the mother’s part
(4) gold was not a suitable metal for a clock key
92. The siblings were ‘awful mouths’ is the  following figure of speech:
(1) Comparison
(2) Oxymoron
(3) Transferred epithet
(4) Epigram
93. “Truly, there was no point to these silly, endless family dinners.” The correct transformation would be
(1) The subject found her siblings mentally unstable and took long to finish dinner.
(2) Her mother forced her to sit through a. lengthy dinner ritual.
(3) The food could only appeal to the youngsters, not a teenager.
(4) The subject was pre-occupied with some personal work and was impatient with others at the dinner table.
94. The tone of the story is
(1) biographical
(2) narrative
(3) reflective
(4) autobiographical
95. The clock was ‘always suspect’. The subject  thought
(1) that it wasn’t working at all
(2) it tended to move slowly
(3) it broke down periodically
(4) it had one hand missing
96. “The clock face was glowing round and white.” 
This observation is further enhanced by th(
observation that it was like
(1) gold
(2) radium
(3) silver
(4) ceramic
97. “It made Maddy’s teeth clench.” The idiom ‘t clench one’s teeth’ can be introduced in an EBL class by
(1) giving a detailed meaning of the expression
(2) giving other similar idioms and asking children to guess the meanings in context
(3) guiding students to find other ‘teeth’ idioms on their own by looking up the word ‘idioms’
(4) giving a worksheet where students use the idiom in a number of situations
98. The word – in the story means  ‘incline’. [para 21
(1) hum
(2) sharp
(3) tip
(4) drip
99. “All the time, her mom would smile and hum.” This suggests that Maddy
(1) admired her mother’s calm
(2) thought her mother was indifferent to time
(3) was convinced her mother was more attuned to the mechanical working of the clock — not the time
(4) thought that her mother didn’t care about her family
 Directions : Read the given poem and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 100 to 105) by selecting the most appropriate option.
Human Nature
Is it human nature
to desire forbidden fruit,
to hunger for a blossom
so obsessed with passion
that we forget the pain,
which inevitably arises
once we tease ourselves
with the thought of it
or taste a tiny part of it,
and it becomes the predator
eating at us like a carnivore
that saves the head for last
savouring the brain to feed its own
and we, still craving illicit nectar
enjoying the fact that it is devouring us?
——————–C.J. Grant
100. Another word in the poem that suggests ‘forbidden’ is
(1) obsess
(2) crave
(3) savour
(4) illicit
101. “It becomes the predator” means
(1) strong emotions influence one negatively
(2) pursuit of happiness
(3) being cautious against outside influences
(4) being strong and positive against any threat
 102. An example of personification in the poem is (1) saves the head
(2) tease ourselves
(3) illicit nectar
(4) like a carnivore
103. “Eating at us like a carnivore” refers to (1) being attacked by a wild beast
(2) being attacked by a human enemy
(3) being eaten up by an unknown entity
(4) exerting a strong influence
104. “We, still craving illicit nectar” can be  explained by focusing on the word
(1) we
(2) craving
(3) illicit
(4) nectar
105. A synonym for the word ‘savouring’ is
(1) smelling
(2) flavouring
(3) experiencing
(4) avoiding
Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.
106. Decorum in spoken language pertains to (1) correct grammatical usage
(2) voice quality or loudness
(3) clarity and purity of style
(4) appropriate gestures
107. “You ask, what is our aim ? I can answer in one word : Victory.” Churchill asks a question and then goes on to answer it. Such a question is 
(1) a prompt
(2) explanatory
(3) rhetorical
(4) stylised
108. A fellow traveller at the airport has just finished reading the newspaper and you want him/her to pass it to you. Choose how you will make the request. 
(1) Pass me the paper.
(2) Pass mc the paper, please.
(3) Can you pass me the paper?
(4) Could you possibly pass mc the newspaper?
109. Read this exchange.  
Teacher: Do you like to read a story 
book instead?
Student : Yes.
Teacher : Yes, please.
here the teacher
(1) confirms the student’s request
(2) offers an alternative language activity
(3) relates language function with politeness
(4) makes a polite suggestion to start reading
110. Which is a function word?
(1) however
(2) booking
(3) principal
(4) someone
111. Strut, stride and trudge arc words that describe a manner of
(1) galloping
(2) running
(3) riding
(4) walking
 112. The documents have been downloaded by the students.
The students have downloaded the documents.
The two given statements can be differentiated by drawing students’ attention to the
(1) use of’by’ in the passive form
(2) differences in the arrangement of words
(3) roles of the subject and object in both sentences
(4) change in the verb forms
113. Which pair constitutes types of ‘cognitive style’?
(1) Individual/team work
(2) Project oriented/paper-pencil activity
(3) Grammatical accuracy/fluency
(4) Field dependence/field independence
114. The process of word formation consists of
(1) compounding  and conversion
(2) conversion and meaning
(3) spelling and compounding
(4) using synonyms or euphemisms
115. When reading, to ‘decode’ means to
(1) make notes
(2) read superficially for the general meaning
(3) recognize words to understand their meanings
(4) replace long words with symbols
 116. Speaker 1 : Where are you from?
Speaker 2 : Kashmir.
During the assessment of students’ speaking- listening skills, mark/s would be deducted during this exchange for
(1) the first speaker
(2) the second speaker
(3) both
(4) neither
117. While writing, one of the cohesive devices used  is
(1) phrases
(2) ellipsis
(3) adjective
(4) preposition
118. If the piece of writing is brief, complete, in the third person, without digressions and emotional overtones and logically arranged, it is a 
(1) classified advertisement
(2) memorandum
(3) report
(4) newspaper article
119. Use of the medium of motion pictures offers  a/an __________ experience for the student.
(1) abstract
(2) indirect
(3) concrete
(4) vicarious
120. According to the recommendations of NCF  2005, technology could be integrated
(1) with the larger goals and processes of educational programmes
(2) with revisions to meet current developmental policies of the Central Government
(3) as an add-on to the main educational goals
(4) used only judiciously subject to the economic and social goals of a community


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