Friday 20 February 2015

Sample Question

Learning is dependent mostly on..........
(A) Regular attendance
(B) Motivation to learn
(C) High intelligence level
(D) Ability to memorize

The detailed holistic description of the way of life of a culture is known as: (A) Ethnography
(B) Ethnology
(C) Ethnostudy
(D) Ethnic description

The best indicator of meaningful learning is the ability to : (A) Achieve more than 80% marks in the examination
(B) Express the content learnt without a single mistake
(C) Apply knowledge in solving problems
(D) Retain knowledge for a longer time and recall it randomly
Which of the following indicates that a student is an active learner?
(A) Attends classes regularly
(B) Deligently takes notes of the lecture
(C) Always answers a teacher’s questions
(D) Challenges teacher’s statements he does not agree with
The research method which has the objective of understanding the questions like why? And how? along with the questions like what ? refers to :
(A) co-relational research
(B) survey research
(C) qualitative research
(D) quantitative research
A research does not accept any finding as true unless the finding is subjected to testing procedure which is open to public inspection. Such a principle is known as :
(A) Objectivity
(B) Subjectivity
(C) Serendipity
(D) Neutrality

Which of the following statements is untrue about computer assisted presentation?
(A) It can free the teacher to pay more attention to students
(B) It makes a student a passive learner
(C) It can be developed by the teacher
(D) It provides scope for student interactions

Which of the following is the least important criterion while evaluating an open-ended question?
(A) Figurativeness of language
(B) Inclusion of all relevant points
(C) Logical organization of points
(D) Originality in presentation

Belief unlike knowledge refers to things that one accepts as true without any specific:
(A) Proof
(B) Value
(C) Measure
(D) Weightage

Reality for scientific research exists in the :
(A) Opinions
(B) Empirical world
(C) Assumptions
(D) Notions

In which situation is brainstorming most useful for students ?
(A) while solving a tough maths problem
(B) while identifying the various attributes of a historical character
(C) while guessing the culprit in a murder mystery
(D) while coming up with ideas to reduce water wastage

Reality for scientific research exists in the :
(A) Opinions
(B) Empirical world
(C) Assumptions
(D) Notions

8, 12, 16, 21, 24, 28, 32.
(A) 21
(B) 24
(C) 28
(D) 32
15, 25, 30, 34, 40, 50, 65, 75.
(A) 15
(B) 34
(C) 50
(D) 75

14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26.
(a) 17
(b) 20
(c) 24
(D) 26

Nowadays the most effective mode of learning is
(A) self study
(B) face-to-face learning
(C) e-learning
(D) blended learning

Ecology deals with
(A). Birds(B) Cell formation(C) Relation between organisms and their environment(D)Tissues

A workshop is
(A) a conference for discussion on a topic.

(B) a meeting for discussion on a topic.
(C) a class at a college or a university in which a teacher and the students discuss a topic.
(D) a brief intensive course for a small group emphasizing the development of a skill or technique for solving a specific problem

Thursday 19 February 2015

CTET November 2012 Mathematics and Science Question Paper II

Central Teacher Eligibility Test CTET November 2012 Mathematics and Science Question Paper II For Class VI to VIII CTET Nov 2012 
Mathematics and Science Question Paper For Upper Primary Teacher  in Hindi and English Language

1. Sum of two numbers is 32. If one of them is – 36, then the other number is
(1) – 4
(2) 4
(3) – 68
(4) 68
2. In 2010, the population of a city ü 303 million. This number is same as
(1) 30300000
(2) 303000000
(3) 3030000
(4) 30030000
3. 210-1 is divisible by
(1) 2
(2) 3
(3) 4
(4) 10
4. Sum of HCF and LCM of 4, 20 and 28 is
(1) 74
(2) 136
(3) 140
(4) 144
5. Two squares have sides x cm and (2x + 1) cm, respectively. The sum of their perimeters is
100 cm. Area (in cm2) of the bigger square is
(2) 81
(3) 225
(4) 289
6. A cube has a volume 125 cm3. Area of its one face is
(1) 5cm2
(2) 20 cm2
(3) 25 cm2
(4) 30 cm2
7. “How does a square form a parallelogram  ? Expain.” The students are asked to write the answer  to above question. The objective of the teacher is (1) giving an opportunity to students to think and reflect
(2) making the classroom more interactive
(3) exposing the students to open-ended questions
(4) improving the writing skills of the students
8. Portfolio of Mathematics students can have
(I) record of hi photographs, drawing and art work
(2) record of classwork and homework notebooks
(3) record of assignments , worksheets, maths lab activity record, write-up of any mathematics model, mathematical posters and cards, any new type of problem attempted or generalizations made, etc.
(4) record of all class tests, unit tests conducted during the formative and summative assessment
9. A lesson plan on unit of Menstruation include one of the instructional objectives as follows:“Learners will be able to understand the application of Mathematics.” This instructional objective is
(1) appropriate, as all units of Mathematics aim at this only
(2) appropriate, as unit on ‘Mensuration’ has lots of application in day-to-day life
(3) appropriate, as one must be able to apply the knowledge gained
(4) inappropriate, as the objective is vague and ill-defined
10. Present NCERT text-books on Mathematics are written keeping in mind the recommendations of
(1) National Curriculum Framework 2005
(2) National Policy on Education 1986
(3) Syllabus prescribed  by CBSE in 2006
(4) Syllabus prescribed by State Board in 2006
11. Identify the open-ended problem.
(1) Find the cube of 10.
(2) Write any 5 numbers whose cube is more than 64.
(3) Parikshit makes a cuboid of dimension 5 cm, 2 cm, 5 cm. How many such cuboids are required to form a cube?
(4) Find the cube-root of 512 using prime factorisation method.
12. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?
(1) Air ruled in a balloon
(2) Brass
(3) Stainless steel
(4) lodised table salt
13. If you are asked to project the image of a well-lit painting on the wall, which one of the following optical devices would you select for this purpose?
(1) Plane mirror
(2) Convex mirror
(3) Concave lens
(4) Convex lens
14. An object of mass 5 kg is sliding on a smooth frictionless horizontal surface with a COflstaflt velocity of 10 metres per second. The force required to keep the object moving with the same velocity is
(1) 0 newton
(2) 50 newtons
(3) 250 newtons
(4) 500 newtons
15. After physical exercise we sometimes get muscle cramps. This results due to
(1) non-conversion of glucose to lactic acid
(2) conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid
(3) conversion of pyruvate to alcohol
(4) non-conversion of glucose to pyruvate
16. Select from the following a set having correct combination of organs that do not carry out any digestive function.
(1) Oesophagus, I3uccal cavity, rectum
(2) Oesophagus, large intestine, rectum
(3) Oesophagus, Buccal cavity, large intestine
(4) Small intestine, large intestine, rectum
17. The part of alimentary canal which receives bile juice from the liver and stores it in gall bladder is
(1) Stomach
(2) Oesophagus
(3) Small intestine
(4) Pancreas
18. Study the following statements about villi:
A. They are finger-like projections.
B. They have very thin walls.
C. They have small pores through which food can pass easily.
D. They have a network of thin and smal blood vessels close to the surface.
The statements which enable the villi to
absorb digested food are
(1) A,B and C
(2) B,C and D
(3) C,D and A
(4) D,A and B
19. Some dinosaurs had feathers although they could not fly, but birds have feathers that heIr them to fly. In the context of evolution this means that
(1) reptiles have evolved from the birds
(2) birds have evolved from reptiles
(3) there is no evolutionary connection between reptiles and birds
(4) feathers are homologous structures in both the organisms
20. Geothermal energy is an alternative source ot energy. For this energy, the most feasible regions are those that
(1) are near the coastal regions
(2) have coal mines
(3) have thermal power plants
(4) are over hot spots in the crust
21. Select from the following a set of three metals which are found in free state.
(1) Aluminum, copper, silver
(2) Gold, iron, silver
(3) Copper, gold, iron
(4) Silver, gold, platinum
22. The crop nutrients available in fertilizers are
(1) nitrogen, potassium and iron
(2) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
(3) nitrogen, phosphorus and iron
(4) nitrogen, sodium and potassium
23. Out of the following, in which lesson is a general rule explained first and after that examples are illustrated?
(1) Deductive lesson
(2) Inductive lesson
(3) Cognitive lesson
(4) Skill lesson
24. Which one of the following is most appropriate about curriculum planning in Science?
(1) It is done to map the scientific topics studied in each term
(2) It is done to combine the scientific study with work in other subject areas
(3) It. gives details of each unit of work for each term
(4) It is done to plan the specific learning objectives of each lesson to build upon prior learning
25. A tightly structured lesson of Physics if taught with little flexibility is least conducive to the learning of the student who
(1) is hyperactive
(2) is culturally disadvantaged
(3) has an IQ of 86
(4) has an IQ of l25
26. Lesson planning in Life Sciences should be guided primarily by the consideration of
(1) meeting the needs of the average child in the class
(2) satisfying parents
(3) the curriculum goals and learning outcomes
(4) providing pupils with work
27. When upper-grade children do research work, the major problem the teacher has to contend with is
(1) finding appropriate materials
(2) scheduling time in school library on internet
(3) gaining the co-operation of the public library
(4) discouraging children from copying verbatim from books and encyclopedias and guiding them effectively
28. The project method of teaching is best associated with the philosophy of
(1) Max Rafferty
(2) John Dewey
(3) Robert Hutchins
(4) B.F. Skinner
29. A teacher is conducting a demonstration to motivate students, but the demonstration does not result in the expected outcome. The teacher is best advised to
(1) withhold the demonstration and do it again
(2) tell the class that the demonstration failed and ask them to help/determine the reason
(3) find out and explain the cause of failure of the demonstration by involving students
(4) send a note to the Science co-ordinator, asking him/her to come to the room
30. Which of the following techniques is not recommended for the Science teachers to use in response to the complexity of learning?
(1) While introducing a complex concept, ask only open-ended questions to stimulate thinking of students
(2) Take a pre-test to find out previous knowledge of students
(3) Use manipulative materials for explaining the subtle processes
(4) Plan the level of instruction slightly above the level of individual students but well within the level of the class
31. In a mixed ability class with students in different stages of cognitive development, which one of the following strategies will be most suitable?
(1) Using hands-on activities involving concrete objects for simplification of abstract concepts
(2) Regrouping the class into four groups as per the four stages of cognitive development proposed by Piaget
(3) Planning individual instruction for gifted students
(4) Taking an average of the IQ scores of students and planning teaching accordingly

CTET November 2012 Social Studies | Social Science Question Paper II

Central Teacher Eligibility Test CTET November 2012 Social Studies | Social Science Paper II For Class VI to VIII CTET Nov 2012 Social Studies | Social Science Question Paper For Upper Primary Teacher   in Hindi and English Language

31. Bodies that do not have their own heat anc light, but are lit by the light of the stars ar known as
(1) Stars
(2) Constellations
(3) Planets
(4) Celestial bodies 
32. The place, people, things and nature that surround any living organism are called(1) Lithosphere
(2) Surrounding
(3) Environment
(4) Biotic resources
33. When one particu1ar image is fixed with an individual or group, it is known as
(1) Discriminated
(2) Stereotyped
(3) Mistreated
(4) Statue
34. Who led the Ant3-British movement in Kittoor?
(1) Ahilyabai Holkar
(2) Rani Laxmibai
(3) Rani Channamma
(4) Nana Phadnis
35. The Mughal Architecture is a blending of
(1) Arab and Indian styles
(2) Persian and Indian styles
(3) Turkish and Afghan styles
(4) Turkish and Persian styles
36. Resources which are found in a region, but have not been utilized are known as(1) Potential resources
(2) Actual resources
(3) Waste resources
(4) Valuable resources
37. The Standard Meridian of India is
(1) 82° 30’ E longitude
(2) 82° 50’ E longitude
(3) 82° E longitude
(4) 83° 30’ E longitude
38. When rock fragments get compressed and hardened to form layers of rocks they are known as
(1) Igneous rocks
(2) Metamorphic rocks
(3) Sedimentary rocks
(4) Primary rocks
39. When State does not interfere in religious affairs it is called
(1) arbitrary
(2) secularism
(3) sovereignty
(4) polity
40.: Which one of the following is true about classical dances?
(1) They are always superior to folk dances
(2) There are eight recognised classical forms of dances
(3) Kathakali is the classical form of Kathak
(4) Kathak was recognised as a classical dance form only after Independence
41. In the Indian freedom struggle. 4Dandi March’ marked the beginning of
(1) Quit India Movement
(2) Civil Disobedience Movement
(3) Swadeshi Movement
(4) Home Rule Movement
42. Which one of the following is an erosional land feature?
(1) Loess
(2) Delta
(3) Moraines
(4) Mushroom rocks
43. Which of the following is a conventional source of energy?
(1) Fossil fuel
(2) Wind
(3) Solar energy
(4) Tidal energy
44. In India, the Governor of the State is appointed by the
(1) President of India
(2) Parliament
(3) Prime Minister
(4) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
45. Who among the following Mughal rulers led the idea of ‘Universal Peace’?
(1) Akbar
(2) Shahjahan
(3) Humayun
(4) Jahangir
46. Who among the following was the founder of ‘Khalsa’ ?
(1) Guru Nanak Dev
(2) Guru Angad Dev
(3) Guru Govind Singh
(4) GuruTeg Bahadur
47. Out of the following, which is the most ideal layer of the atmosphere for flying aeroplanes?
(1) Troposphere
(2) Ionosphere
(3) Stratosphere
(4) Exosphere
48. Article-21 of the Indian Constitution entitles
(1) Right to Freedom of Religion
(2) Right to Equality
(3) Right to Life
(4) Right to Constitutional Remedies
49. The highest law making body in India is the
(1) Parliament
(2) Prime Minister and his Council
(3) President
(4) Judiciary
50. Which of the following forests do not have a distinct period of shedding leaves, and therefore do not ever look bare?
(1) Tropical deciduous
(2) Tropical evergreen
(3) Temperate evergreen
(4) Temperate deciduous
51. A type of farming in which higher doses 01 modem inputs are used to obtain higher productivity is known as
(1) Commercial Farming
(2) Extensive Agriculture
(3) Shifting Agriculture
(4) Subsistence Farming
52. When a number of industries locate close to each other arid share the benefits of their closeness, it is referred to as
(1) Industrial system
(2) Industrial region
(3) Market economy
(4) Assembly line production
53. A particular area from which all the voten living there choose their representative i called a
(1) Territory
(2) Constituency
(3) SLate
(4) Region 
54. East coast of North America and the sea around Japan have rich fishing grounds because of
(1) a cold current flowing along the coast
(2) indented coastal area
(3) a warm current along the coast
(4) meeting of warm and cold currents
55. More than 80 percent of the population of the world lives in
(1) Asia and Africa
(2) Asia and South America
(3) North America and Asia
(4) Asia and Europe
56. When the subjugation of one country by another leads to political, economic, social and cultural changes we refer to this process as
(1) Confederacy
(2) Mercantile
(3) Colonisation
(4) Renaissance
57. Which of the following literary heritage of India means ‘approaching and sitting near?
(1) Upanishads
(2) Vedas
(3) Aranyakas
(4) Puranas
58. The system of tax became moat prominent in the period of
(1) Harappan Civilization
(2) Vedic Age
(3) Mahajanapadas
(4) Guptas
59. In India, the Munda Tribe lived in the region of
(1) Chhotanagpur
(2) Bastar
(3) Durg
(4) Kullu
60. The movement of the Earth around the Sun is known as
(1) Rotation
(2) Revolution
(3) Orbital plane
(4) Circle of illumination
61. Read some points about the Atlantic Ocean:
A. It is ‘S’ shaped.
B. Its coastline is smooth and straight.
C. it is the busiest ocean from commercial viewpoint.
Which of the above statements are true?
(1) Only Aand B
(2) Only B and C
(3) Only A and C
(4) A,B and C all
62. The tomb of a Sufi saint is known as
(1) Idgah
(2) Khanqah
(3) Ibadatgah
(4) Dargab
63. Which one of the following is a ‘Palaeolithic. site’?
(1) Inamgaon
(2) Hallur
(3) Ilhimbetka
(4) Iurzahom
64. The famous conquest of Kalinga by the Mauryan ruler Ashoka was fought in present day
(1) Karnataka
(2) Odisha
(3) Kerala
(4) Andhra Pradesh
65. A universal language of the map can be understood by way of
(1) Conventional symbols
(2) Sketch
(3) Alphabets
(4) Thematic maps
66. Which of the following complements diversity?
(1) Speaking in own mother tongue
(2) Celebrating own festivals
(3) Visiting native village
(4) Travellinginatrain
67. A narrow strip of land, which connects two land masses is known as
(1) Isthmus
(2) Gulf
(3) Island
(4) Strait
68. The year 2012 can also be written as
(1) BC 2012
(2) EC 2012
(3) AD 2012
(4) AP 2012
69. Most suitable statement about Biosphere is
(1) Man’s immediate surroundings
(2) Plant and Animal kingdom
(3). Land, water, air, plants and animals
(4) Various domains of environment
70. Where, among the following, is the mid-day Sun exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes?
(1) Between Tropic of Cancer and Equator only
(2) Between Tropic of Capricorn and Equator only
(3) Between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
(4) Between Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle
71. Which one of the following is the most suitahk teaching aid to show proportionate size anc shape of continents?
(1) Physical map of the World
(2) Poster of the Earth
(3) Globe
(4) Political map of the World
72. Which of the following is the most important feature of a book on Social Sciences at the national level?
(1) It should not include lengthy texts as it is difficult for children to remember lengthy texts
(2) It should provide information in a crisp and systematic way to facilitate memorisation
(3) It should be such so as to enable all social groups to relate to it
(4) It should not follow any particular school of thought specially in writing history
73. Parents of a first generation learner express their Inability to help their child in dealing with his/her educational problems during a PTA. As a teacher you should
(1) ask them to join centres established for adult education
(2) ask them to carefully monitor the time their child devotes to his studies at home
(3) comfort them by tolling that their knowledge about their child is of utmost importance in helping to deal with their child
(4) ask them to provide an environment rich in different types of learning materials at home
74. The collection of weather information by using weather instruments is an example o collecting
(1) Primary data
(2) Secondary data
(3) Tertiary data
(4) Generic data 
75. A Social Science teacher often takes an objective type formative assessment but sh has a doubt about the reliability of the test developed by her. What should be done tc increase the reliability of these assessments?
(1) Use standardised test
(2) Use questions given in the booklet o exemplars published by NCERT
(3) Try to find out what other teachers do
(4) Increase the number of questions
76. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation mainly focuses on
(1) continuous testing to improve the child
(2) continuous observation of the behaviour of the child
(3) education of Head, Heart and Hand
(4) promoting weaker ineligible students to higher grade
77. Social Science should equip children with
(1) the ability to follow social rules about gender
(2) the ability to withstand social pressure
(3) the ability to think independently
(4) the ability to defend social practices
78. The median score of a class of 51 students is 36 in a summative assessment in Scia1 Sciences. It suggests that
(1) the majority of students scored below 36
(2) 25 students scored marks equal to or above 36
(3) the majority of students scored in the range of 36 — 46
(4) 36 percent of the content is learned by them
79. Which one of the following should be the most noticeable for a Social Sciences teacher about a discussion held recently?
(1) Students started questioning their co-students directly
(2) Students interrupted their co-students frequently
(3) No student seemed to be agreeing fully with other students
(4) Students refused to listen to their co-students completely
80. Which of the following is an advantage of a spiral curriculum in Social Sciences?
(1) Retention of the concepts for a longer period of time and with deeper understanding
(2) Ability to apply the concepts across disciplines
(3) Increased opportunities to develop theme based learning
(4) Make the concepts more purposeful and relevant
81. While assessing the attitudes and values, a Social Science teacher may assign weightage to which of the following descriptors?
(1) Passively accepting ideas of others
(2) Peels free to ask questions
(3) Does not share credit with other children
(4) Does not wish the teacher everyday
82. Which one of the following is not recommended by CBSE for Formative Assessment?
(1) Source-based analysis
(2) Models and charts
(3) Too frequent testing
(4) Using authentic sources of primary texts
83. Which one is right in reference to Social Science at elementary level?
(1) History — Geography – Political Science — Economics
(2) History — Geography — Political Science — Sociology
(3) History — Geography — Civics — Sociology
(4) History — Geography — Economics — Sociology
84. If a teacher wants to teach ‘evolution of life’ he/she must visit
(1) Natural history museum
(2) Archaeological museum
(3) Zoological park
(4) Animal sanctuary
85. The following factors form a basis for teaching Social Science except
(1) to promote analytical skills
(2) to promote social skills for adjusting in global world
(3) to transmit information on texts
(4) to develop critical understanding of society
87. A class includes some tribal children and as a result there is an environment of cultural diversity in that class. Which of the following would be the most suitable method for the teacher to use this effectively?
(1) Asking students to tell about their tribes and relate the information to topics being taught
(2) Highlighting the role of freedom fighters such as Birsa Munda during the freedom movement
(3) Asking students to carry out action research on topics related to their culture and valued by them the most
(4) Displaying tribal artifacts and costumes
88. Normative dimension of Social Science includes which of the following dimensions?
(1) Relevancy
(2) Equality
(3) Utility
(4) Cogency
89. Which one of the following is a characteristic of reciprocal learning?
(1) Responsibility for learning is shared between the students and the teacher
(2) Learning proceeds by addressing the causes of forgetting
(3) Teacher reciprocates by actively leading the teaching-learning process
(4) Teacher is completing her education while working in a school