Monday 2 March 2015

HTET Science Question Paper 2015

HTET Science Solved Paper 

1. Which of the following is not ‘green house gas’?
a) SO2
b) CFC
c) CH4
d) N2O

2. Ms. Kumar, principle of a scholl, wants integrated approach to the teaching of science rather teaching different subjects separately. The reason of this is
a) Difficulty in the adujstment of the teachers in the time table.
b) Difficulty of students to adjust with different teachers.
c) Non-availability of qualified teachers in her school to teach different subjects.
d) All the subjects are interlinked and a teacher can draw on cross curricular linkage.

3. Which of the following is weakest Lewis Base?
a) OH-
b) H-
c) HCO3-
d) Cl-

4. Uric acid is the excretory product of which of the following?
a) Frog, Human
b) Bird, Snake
c) Amoeba, Starfish
d) None of these

5. Which of the following effect is not found in sound waves?
a) Polarization
b) Refelection
c) Interference
d) Diffraction

6. Which one of the following is not an example of electromagnetic waves?
a) Ultraviolet rays
b) Radio waves
c) X-rays
d) Sound waves in air

7. After vigorous exercise fatigue is caused due to accumulation of which substance?
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Alcohol
c) Lactic acid
d) Water

8. The mass of man is 72kg at earth. The value of g at the moon’s surface is 1/6 of that on the earth. The mass of man at the moon will be
a) 12kg
b) 120kg
c) 72kg
d) 432kg

9. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding the continuous and complete evaluation in the teaching of science?
a) It is constructive evaluation
b) it is cumulative evaluation
c) It is carried out once in a year
d) It is carried out throughout the year

10. Producer gas is
a) Mixture of CO and H2
b) Mixture of CO2 and H2
c) Mixture of CO2 andCl2
d) Mixture of CO and N2

11. Which of the following is not a characteristic of thermal radiation?
a) It does not require medium for its propagation.
b) It travesl with velocity of light.
c) It travels in straight line
d) It affects the medium through which it propagates.

12. Which statement is true?
a) In plant water and minerals are transported by phloem.
b) During photosynthesis oxygen is released from CO2
c) Ultimate source of energy for all the organisms is Sun.
d) The leaves of Touch-Me-Not (Mimosa pudica) plant exhibit seismonastic movement.

13. The cooking gas is mainly a mixture of the following two gases
a) Methane and Ethane
b) Ethane and Propane
c) Propane and Butane
d) Butane and Pentane

14. Which of the following is an example of Non-embryophyta?
a) Ephedra
b) Pteridium
c) Riccia
d) Ulothrix

15. Radiation with maximum peneteration power is
a) Infrared radiation
b) Ultraviolet radiation
c) X-rays
d) g-rays

16. Insulin harmone converts
a) Glycogen into glucose
b) Glucose into glycogen
c) Fat into glucose
d) Protein in glucose

17. The first step of the scientific method is
a) Forming a hypothesis
b) Making a observation
c) Conduction an experiment
d) Predicting the result of experiment

18. Which is significant for a fuse wire?
a) Its melting point
b) Its specific resistance
c) Current flowing through it
d) All of the above

19. The example of thermosetting and thermoplastic polymer respectively is
a) Polystyrene, polyvinylchloride
b) Bakelite, polystyrene
c) Polyethene, polyacrelonitrile
d) Polystyrene, urea-formaldehyde resin

20. Whic is alloy is not possible?
a) Cu-Zn
b) Pb-Zn
c) Cu-Au
d) Cu-Ag

21. In bryophyllum reproduction occurs
a) through stem
b) through leaf
c) through flower
d) through root

22. Which of the following element is a donor impurity?
a) Al
b) B
c) Ga
d) P

23. Electronic configuration of Cr is
a) 3d54s1
b) 3d64s0
c) 3d44s2
d) 3d54s0

24. While introducing Newton’s law of motion a teacher writes all the formulas on the board before proceeding further. This reflects that she is following the
a) Experimental apporach
b) Practical apporach
c) Inductive apporach
d) Deductive apporach

25. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the list: List-I List-II
(Petrolium fraction) (Composition)
a) Gasoline i) C8 to C16
b) Kerosene ii) C4 to C9
c) Heavy oil iii) C10 to C18
d) Diesle iv) C16 to C30

(a) (b) (c) (d)
1) i ii iv iii
2) ii i iii iv
3) ii i iv iii
4) i ii iii iv
26. Which of the following set contains same number of molecules?
A) 1 gram O2, 2 grams SO2
B) 1 gram CO2, 1 grams N2O
C) 1 gram CO, 1 grams N2
D) 1 gram O2, 1 grams O3
a) A, B and C b) A and B
a) C and D d) A,B, C and D

27. Which of the following statement is not true about vitamins?
a) They were named by Funk
b) They are vital for life
c) Their deficiency causes disease
d) They help in digestion

28. Vitamin containing metal atom is
a) Vitamin C
b) B6
c) B12
d) Vitamin A

29. If the result of an experiment turn out to be different than what was
expected, then it can be concluded that
a) One has not followed scientific method.
b) One need to repeat the experiment till the desired results are
c) One must admit that the experiment was a failure.
d) One should explore the possible reasons for it in the conclusion section.

30. Energy equivalent to 1a.m.u is
a) 0.693 MeV
b) 1 eV
c) 931 MeV
d) 14.2 MeV

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