Tuesday 4 February 2014

HTET 2014 : 3 (PGT) (Child Development and Pedagogy)

HTET 2014 : Solved Question Paper Level – 3 (PGT) Part – 1 (Child Development and Pedagogy)

HTET 2014 (held on 01 Feb. 2014) : Solved Question Paper Level – 3 (PGT)
Part – 1 (Child Development and Pedagogy)
Q. 1. Dyslexia is a
         1) Learning Disability
Q. 2. The Average IQ of student ranges between
         2) 90-110
Q. 3. Carl Rogers does not emphasize on
         4) Unconscious mind
Q. 4. ‘Perception is learnt behavior.’ This view is given by
          2) Behaviourists
Q. 5. According to Freud, Phallic Stage of personality emerges at the age of
         2) 3-6 years
Q. 6. Kohler’s experiment on Chimpanzee demonstrated
         3) Learning through insight
Q. 7. What is more important to be successful in life according to Daniel Goleman
         3) Emotional intelligence
Q. 8. How many primary mental abilities are given by Thurstone
         1) 7
Q. 9. Which of the following is not a projective test ?
         3) Situational Test
Q. 10. Learning disabilities include
          4) Disorder of understanding or using language (spoken or written)
Q. 11. Which of the following is the lowest level of measurement ?
           3) Nominal scale
Q. 12. Which of the following is an example of social motive ?
           4) Achievement motive
Q. 13. How many pairs of chromosomes an infant has ?
           3) 23
Q. 14. Which of the following law is not a primary law of learning, according to Thorndike ?
           2) Law of proximity
Q. 15. Which of the following theories is given by Leon Festinger ?
            4) Cognitive dissonance theory
Q. 16. Who was the founder of Psychoanalysis ?
           2) S. Freud
Q. 17. Herman Ebbinghaus is a well-known name in the field of
           3) Intelligence
Q. 18. The aim of curriculum flexibility is to
           1) improve pupil’s school experience and his achievement
Q. 19. Libido is
           2) Sexual energy
Q. 20. Which of the following type of personality is known as the coronary heart disease prone   personality ?
           1) Type A personality
Q. 21. Which of the following is not a scale of attitude measurement ?
Q. 22. Values that are learnt from our family and society influence our behavior as
Q. 23. Which of the following is not a component of an attitude ?
           1) Moral component
Q. 24. If the chronological age of a child is 60 months and the mental age of the child is 72, what shall be his IQ ?
           3) 120
Q. 25. The aim of remedial teaching is to
           1) understand pupil’s uniqueness in learning abilities and performance
Q. 26. When the laws of primary and recency both operate in the learning process (serial position effect), what kind of learning do we get ?
           2) ‘U’ shaped curve
Q. 27. Which of the following is an important element of creativity ?
            2) Convergent Thinking
Q. 28. Which of the following statements is not true about learning process according to Thorndike ?
           3) Learning comes through insight only
Q. 29. Images frozen in memories and tied to particular places, dates & times are known as
           1) Flash bulb memories
Q. 30. In modern times, Psychology is  considered the study of
           4) Human behaviour
Note : This is not Final and Official Key. It’s an individual effort only. (99% Correct)

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